Possible Topics:

(a) What does knowledge exchange, translation and research impact actually mean and what do these look like in different research areas?
(b) How to start and lead a research project/program based on knowledge exchange and focussed on translation and impact.
(c) Integrated research: the strength of inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research.
(d) How does the engagement of an end-use facilitate research impact and benefit in different research areas?
(e) How to demonstrate end-user engagement, knowledge exchange and translation in a grant application.
(f) Realistic research expectations: the pathway from specific research achievements to broad impact

About UQ Early Career Researcher Development: Knowledge Exchange & Translation: Round Tables

To assist UQ researchers in preparing their UQ ECR Kx Translation Fund applications, the Research Office will host two Round Tables. Questions will be posed to the Expert Panel by a mediator and from the participants for an open discussion.

Attendence will be in-person or via Zoom.

Please use this link to RSVP for the Information Session and the two Round Tables, including submitting a question for any session.


General Purpose North 3, Building 39A