About Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022

The SMART Institute is proud to invite you to a seminar to learn everything about the new Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 and what it means for research and industries.

This Act was passed by the Australian Parliament on 30 March.

Based on the Five Safes Principle, the Act introduces a new process to improve university researchers' access to datasets held by Commonwealth Government Departments and Agencies.

We will have presentations from A/Prof. Clair Sullivan, A/Prof. Jason Ferris and Dr Dom Gorse (QCIF), who will outline the implications of this Act for UQ and what resources we have at UQ to enable digital health research.

You are also welcome to attend in person (Global Change Institute, L2, Room 273)

This session will be avilable on Zoom.

When: Friday, 17 June (11.00 am – 12 midday)
Where: Global Change Institute, L2, Room 273

Please confirm your intention to attend by registering.