We can all feel overwhelmed at the thought of writing a thesis or a journal article. This often results in us putting off our writing tasks until the very last minute and then scrambling to submit them on time. Unfortunately, reviewers often can tell if they are reading something that is a first draft rather than a more polished piece.

To celebrate Research and Innovation Week at UQ, the Faculty of Engineering Architecture and Information Technology has invited Dr Malini Devadas to speak about her seven-step academic writing framework which helps researchers break down the writing process into manageable chunks. By applying this framework, she has helped many staff and students get started on their documents early and with confidence, to produce a high-quality product without all the stress that is usually associated with academic writing.

By the end of this workshop, you will know how to:

  • create a realistic timeframe for writing
  • make a detailed document plan, making the writing process much faster
  • edit your own work efficiently and objectively.

Malini will also share strategies for overcoming the dreaded imposter syndrome so that you can learn to enjoy the writing process.

Who should attend

Anyone seeking to improve their academic writing strategies.



Please follow registration prompts for Zoom link.