This School of HMNS Research Seminar will be showcasing the work of two Early to Mid-Career Academics Dr Brooke Devlin and Dr Jenna Taylor.

Dr Brooke Devlin
A time for food: Improving glycaemic control in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes through time-restricted eating.
Erratic eating patterns, minimal fasting and poor-quality diets disrupt circadian rhythms and are a major contributing factor of chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2D). Evidence is growing to support the effectiveness of diet interventions that focus on timing of dietary intake (i.e., chrono-nutrition) for weight loss and metabolic health outcomes. This can be achieved through time-restricted eating (TRE) which is becoming an increasingly popular dietary strategy in practice. This seminar will introduce the concept of chrono-nutrition and present recent work investigating the impact of adjusting timing of eating via TRE on metabolic health and well-being of individuals diagnosed with and at risk of T2D. 

Dr Jenna Taylor
Is exercise for the heart also good for the brain? Influence of exercise training on cerebral blood flow regulation and cognitive function in patients with cardiovascular disease.
Patients with cardiovascular disease are at higher risk of cognitive decline, which is accelerated after a cardiac event. Cerebral hypoperfusion appears to be a significant contributor to cognitive decline, which can occur from vascular dysfunction. In contrast, higher cardiorespiratory fitness shows protection against cognitive decline. This seminar will outline the links between cardiovascular dysfunction, cerebral blood flow, and cognitive function, and how exercise training may help to mitigate cognitive decline in patients with cardiovascular disease.


Level 2, Room 244/245, Connell Building (26) St Lucia Campus

Zoom Link:

Who should attend

UQ Staff and Students


For further details please contact Breeann Silvester at