Join us for a panel conversation moderated by HaBS Associate Dean Research, Prof Greg Monteith. Our panellists will bring diverse backgrounds and extensive experience in the areas of Knowledge Translation and the issues around research implementation.

“Knowledge Translation is a dynamic and iterative process that includes synthesis, dissemination, exchange and ethically-sound application (implementation) of knowledge” (Adapted from Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2015). Planning for impact and the consideration of implementation of research outcomes is an increasing priority for many funding agencies.

Moderator: Prof Greg Monteith

Panel members will include:

  • Prof Genevieve Healy, School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
  • Prof Paul Hodges, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
  • A/Prof Ingrid Hickman, Centre for Clinical Research
  • Dr Anton Pak, Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
  • Dr Nagham Ailabouni, School of Pharmacy

Who should attend

All staff and HDR students.


Via Zoom.

About Research and Innovation Week 2024

View the Research and Innovation Week event program.