As part of R&I Week, you are invited to a free, one-hour online session at Midday on 1 October to learn about how and why academics write for The Conversation.

In this session, The Conversation's Executive Editor Liz Minchin will cover:

  • The benefits of writing for The Conversation
  • What sort of ideas the editors are seeking
  • How to pitch an idea
  • How to write for The Conversation's non-academic readership.

More than 1,250 UQ academics and PhD candidates have written for The Conversation over the past 13 years, reaching an audience of 109 million unique views of their articles worldwide.

The Conversation Australia & New Zealand attracts 16 million unique reads worldwide each month through its Creative Commons republications in outlets that include ABC News, IFL Science, The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, Apple News and many more. 

Who should attend

Any researcher interested in pitching to The Conversation.


Via Zoom. 

About Research and Innovation Week 2024

View the Research and Innovation Week event program.