The UQ Research Partnerships and Translation Awards recognise outstanding models of high-impact collaborative research partnerships. These awards celebrate the achievements and successes of UQ researchers who through industry engagement and research collaboration have achieved excellent outcomes and national and international research impact.

Award categories:

  • UQ Partners in Research Excellence AwardRecognising excellence in research partnerships and innovation activities that deliver outstanding partner experiences and outcomes.
  • UQ Partners in Translation Research Excellence Award - Recognising excellence in translational research partnership activities.
  • UQ Partners in Indigenous Research Excellence AwardRecognising outstanding Indigenous-led research and innovation partnerships that have had a positive impact on Indigenous peoples and communities.
  • UniQuest Commercialisation Impact Award (awarded by UniQuest) - Recognising the achievements and commitment of UQ researchers whose research has created impact through commercialisation of the resulting intellectual property, building on UQ’s reputation as a leader in this space. 
  • Excellence in Industry Engagement in Graduate Research Award (awarded by UQ Graduate School) - Recognising excellence in industry-based research led by the UQ Graduate School.
  • UQ Corporate Philanthropy Award (awarded by UQ Advancement) - Recognising and celebrating partner organisations who have an extraordinary impact on research and innovation at UQ.
  • The Early to Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) Industry Engagement Award (prize funded by the awarding faculty or institute) - Celebrating outstanding high-impact collaborations between early- to mid-career researchers (EMCRs) and industry partners.

Who should attend

This is an invitation-only event.


Please refer to your invitation for venue information.

About Research and Innovation Week 2024

View the Research and Innovation Week event program.