2024 pricing, please note this pricing may be subject to change pending supplier prices and inflation. to guarantee costs for your booking, please contact us to obtain a quote. For any booking, equipment, consumables or resources requests please email plantgrowth@uq.edu.au to discuss and confirm. 

For UQ staff and/or other university pricing and availability, please contact us to discuss and plan your next project.

Pricing includes the setup, day-to-day facility check and after-use facility cleaning (not including plant disposal). Any damage or breakage will result in a repair cost at the user's expense. You must complete an induction prior to using our facilities.

No Environmental Control 
Outdoor Grow Area Fenced Compounds with automatic irrigation set up St Lucia $8.50-$10.50 
Outdoor Grow Area 350m2 outdoor caged compoundGatton 
Low Environmental Control 
Evap-Cooled Glasshouse - 1017A15-35°C, Evaporative cooled glasshouseLong Pocket $14.00-$17.00
Evap-Cooled Glasshouse - 811015-35°C, Evaporative cooled glasshouseGatton
Evap-Cooled Glasshouse - 817115-35°C, Evaporative cooled polycarbonate glasshouseGatton
Evap-Cooled Glasshouse - GH915-35°C, Evaporative cooled glasshouseSt Lucia
Evap-Cooled Glasshouse - GH1015-35°C, Evaporative cooled glasshouseSt LuciaComing online in May 2024
Evap-Cooled Glasshouse - GH1115-35°C, Evaporative cooled glasshouseSt LuciaComing online in May 2024
Moderate Environmental Control 
Temp Controlled Glasshouse - 81374 bays - Temp control only; 22°C-35°C Glasshouse. Glasshouse able to log temperature, lighting and humidity. +/- 2°C Gatton$35.00---$50.00 
PC2 Temp Controlled Glasshouse - GH5PC2 7 bays - temp control only; 22°C-35°C glasshouse. Capable to add additional lighting.  +/- 2°C St Lucia$40.00---$55.00BC5.2.4 capability - upon request 
Temp Controlled Glasshouse - 8141A2 bays - Temp control only glasshouse 22°C-36°C.  Capable to add additional lighting.  +/- 2°C Gatton$45.00---$55.00Coming online in May 2024
Growth RoomsBiora Growth Rooms - Dual and single ChambersGatton$35.00---$50.00Coming online in May 2024 
General Growth CabinetGeneral Growth Cabinet, temp, lighting, humidity control. No alarms. (1m2-2.4m2)Gatton$25.00-$40.00Whole cabinet/week 
High Environmental Control 
PC2 Elite Reach-in growth cabinet 7 Elite Conviron Growth Cabinets (1.2m2). Temp, lighting, humidity, CO2 control. Alarmed.St Lucia$55.00-$75.00whole cabinet/week - Coming online September 2024
PC2 Growth Rooms - Small Standard7 x 11m2 Conviron Standard growth rooms, temperature, lighting and humidity control. 1 x Vernalisation, 2 x temperature control, 2 x tropical. +/- 1°C St Lucia$65.00-$85.005-6m2 of grow space - Coming online September 2024
PC2|BC2 Growth Room - Small Standard & elite4 x 11m2 BC2 Pathogen Conviron growth rooms, 2 x tropical elite and 2 x tropical growth rooms St Lucia$75.00-$105.005-6m2 of grow space - Coming online September 2024
PC2 Growth Room - Small elite9 x 11m2 Conviron Elite growth rooms, temperature, lighting and humidity control. tropical insect,  tropical  variable spectra, tropical vertical farm, high temp, BC2 pathogen. +/- 0.5°C St Lucia$75.00-$100.005-6m2 of grow space - Coming online September 2024
Growth Rooms - Medium Standard2 x 75m2 Conviron Standard growth rooms, temperature, lighting and humidity control. +/- 1°CSt Lucia$65.00-$100.0030-45m2 grow space - Coming online September 2024
Growth Rooms -  Large Standard1 x 160m2 Conviron Standard growth rooms, temperature, lighting and humidity control. +/- 1°CSt Lucia$65.00-$100.0090-110m2 grow space - Coming online September 2024
Temp Controlled Glasshouse 5 bay elite Tropical temp Control GlasshouseSt Lucia$55.00-$75.00Coming online September 2024
Temp Controlled Glasshouse 4 bay Elite Temperate temp Control Glasshouse St Lucia$55.00-$75.00Coming online September 2024
Environmental Control Glasshouse - 8141B2 bay Environmental control glasshouse 22°C-36°C.  Temperature, additional lighting, relative humidity, CO2, fertigation and day length control. +/- 2°C Gatton $50.00---$70.00Coming online May 2024
Specility Grow Space 
Lysimeter Platfrom - RPAD22°C-28°C Root Lystimeter PlatformGattonPOA Please contact us to discuss capability, availability and pricing
Lysimeter Platfrom - LPADLystimeter PlatformGattonPOA Coming online 2025 Please contact us to discuss capability, availability and pricing
Protective Cropping Field - Digifield750m2 Bays, 4 bays, heat and drought stress capability. GattonPOA Coming online 2025 Please contact us to discuss capability, availability and pricing
Ancillary Space
PC2 dry lab2 x 20m2 dry labsSt Lucia$200/day/labComing online September 2024
PC2 Wet lab2 x 20m2 wet lab St Lucia
Dry Lab1 x 50m2 dry lab/teaching area Gatton$300/day 

For general equipment requests, we kindly require a minimum of 3 business days’ notice to arrange pending availability.  If you require an item urgently, please reach out and we can see what we can do, however, as always, the more notice we receive, the more able we are to accommodate your requirements and meet your needs. We encourage uses to forward plan and notify Plant Growth of the equipment you will require for your experiment/project during your initial consultation so we can have this ready for you when required. 

Some instruments require an induction prior to use. Pricing includes the cleaning before and after use, management, maintenance, and calibration. Users are required to take care of the item and do a small clean prior to handing back to us. Any damage or breakage of equipment will result in a repair and/or replacement cost at users expense.

To request to book equipment please contact plantgrowth@uq.edu.au

General Tools Rental (Cement Mixer/Shovel/Spade/hand cultivator/fork/Pruners) $25.00Per dayPer day 
General Tool Replacement POA – pending tool and damage
Waste Bags/PC2 Waste bags$1.00eachNA 
Bamboo Stakes, Pipes, tubing, plastic, shade cloth, PPE, seed envelopesPOA – pending order amount, supplier quantities and requirements. 
Watchdog Digital Data Loggers (Temp/Humidity/PAR)$7.00Per week1 month  
Logitech Digital Data Loggers (Temp/humidity)$3.50Per week 1 weekif borrowing for 1-2  days for checks, this will complimentary
DYNA & ELIXA Lights (additional portable lighting)$7.00Per week/per light1 month 
Balances $10.00Per week1 week 
Leaf Area Meter $50.00Per week1 week 
Incubator (ambient temperature)$10.00Per week1 week 
Drying Oven (30oC – 105oC) $5.00Per week/1m2 shelf1 week 
Seed cleaner$10.00Per week1 week 
Seed counter $10.00Per week1 week 
Seed Gradient table $10.00Per week1 week 
Porometer$10.00Per day1 day 
Soil Crusher – small or large$25.00Per day1 day 
Photo spectrometer - PARInduction Complimentary use in our facility – if damaged after use, you will be charged for replacement. If requiring sole use for more than 1 day, there will be a cost of $5.00/per day.
Electric pallet jack 
Soil Moisture meters 
Soil temperature probe 

To see a list of our general resources and consumables including; growing media, additives, pots, trays, fertilizers and more, please contact plantgrowth@uq.edu.au

For general resources requests, we kindly require a minimum of 3 business days’ notice to arrange service. Please be aware that certain requests may require additional time to arrange. Our schedule can fill up quickly and priority will be given to those who confirm services first. If you require any resources that is not listed below, please kindly contact Plant Growth for us to contact our suppliers on your behalf and provide a quote. If you require any assistance with plant care, labour, service requirements and/or project management, please reach out to the facility managers for complimentary consolations.

For general consumables orders, we kindly require a minimum of 5-10 business days (15 days during holiday times) for orders to be delivered once confirmed. We will communicate the estimated timeframe with you and notify you if there have been any changes or delays to this timeframe. 

If you require an item not listed in our general items or you rquire an item urgently (outside of our delivery timeframes), please reach out and we can see what we can do/source for you. 

Plant Growth have trained staff who take great pride in providing the best possible plant health and research outcomes possible. We support countless plant and research design queries and keep up to date with current plant care trends and treatments.  We offer complimentary consultations for all users using our facilities; this includes discussing and investigating suitable space, consulables and resources for your experiment, plant care, plant queries, pest and disease management and more. Please contact plantgrowth@uq.edu.au to book in a consultation. 

This includes the preparation & consumables for general pesticide application spray for up to 10 benches and/or pesticide application dredging up to 3 benches. Pest control & Pesticide applications must be made by a CHEMCERT certified CRIP team member only
ProductInternal PriceApplication 
Pesticide Application Spray $100.0010 benches for regular spray 3 benches for a drenching 
Pesticide application spray – additional bench$6.00 
Weed Control Spray$105.0020m2 
Beneficial / Insect release POA

How to book

To consult with us about availability, your research requirements, future pricing and booking one of our facilities, please email Plant Growth at plantgrowth@uq.edu.au