UQ Spark is designed to provide mid-career academics with the tools to ignite and grow the spark that comes alive when a researcher's ideas are brought together with those of a partner.
This industry engagement training program designed to provide Level B/C academics with practical skills in mapping and engaging industry partners, attracting funds and scaling up opportunities for investment.
Industry participation is key to the success of Spark. The 2024 program features active involvement from industry professionals and UQ's industry-based academics, ensuring that industry perspectives are embedded in our engagement activities. Their critical insights will address key questions:
What is important to industry partners?
- What do industry partners value in collaborations? What types of collaborations work?
What are the barriers to industry-academic partnerships?
How can we build new collaboration frameworks to make this process easier?
Industry partners encompass all end users of research, including businesses, governments, government enterprises, non-government organisations, non-profit groups and community organisations. UQ Spark also also focuses on scaling opportunities to maximise co-design potential with multiple partners, fostering enduring and impactful partnerships.
Nominations are now closed for the 2024 program. Information about the 2025 program will be released mid-2025.
Who can nominate?
Ideal candidates are Level B/C academics undertaking research projects with significant potential for impact that require a strong industry engagement strategy. To be eligible, candidates must have a clearly identified project and be seeking support for industry engagement.
Please note: Due to limited places, organisational units will have a maximum number of allocated positions (Faculties = maximum of 5 places; Institutes = maximum of 2 places). If the number of nominations per organisational unit exceeds the allocated places, positions will be allocated according to suitability by the relevant organisational unit management.
Nominations can be submitted by individuals or school or faculty representatives. All nominations must be submitted via the expression of interest form before close of business on 2 September 2024.
Nominated academics must confirm their availability for all session dates. Faculty and Institute Research Managers will be informed of all nominations. Approval from ADRs or DDRs are required to confirm approval for all nominations accepted to join the program. Any enquiries should be emailed to strategic-partnerships@uq.edu.au
Key dates
Expressions of interest: 1 August - 2 September 2024.
Module 1: 21 October 2024, 9:30am - 3:30pm, UQ City Campus, 308 Queen Street, Room 1MI6
Module 2: 22 October 2024, 9:30am - 3:30pm, UQ City Campus, 308 Queen Street, Room 1MI6
Module 3: 23 October 2024, 9:30 - 3:30pm, UQ City Campus, 308 Queen Street, Room 1MI6
Module 4: 24 October 2024, 9:30am - 2:00pm, UQ City Campus, 308 Queen Street, Room 1MI6
Pitching shortlisting: 7 November, 9.30am to 1pm, Level 2, Global Change Institute, UQ Ventures room, St Lucia
Pitching competition: 14 November, 11am to 2pm, Level 2, Global Change Institute, UQ Ventures room, St Lucia
Program structure
The program is designed as four modules, each consisting of several sessions delivered over four consecutive days in October, as well as a pitching exercise and pitching competition with industry guests over two half days in November. The 2024 program will run from 21 October to 14 November.
Module 1: Scoping success - Prof Martie-Louise Verreynne and Prof Mark Western
Session 1: Breaking barriers: unlocking industry collaboration — Explore the barriers and enablers of university-industry research collaboration, gain insights from researchers and industry partners, and reflect on and refine your own research collaboration strategies.
Session 2: Research to reality: strategies for successful translation — This session covers research translation processes, various outputs and outcomes across disciplines, and tools for building industry partnerships. It includes a hands-on opportunity to try different approaches and Q&A with experienced industry-based researchers.
Module 2: Vision for impact - Prof. Kim Wilkins and Tom Court
Session 1: Planning engagement and impact — This session guides you in aligning your research with your values, understanding and measuring impact, and creating an impact plan, while also teaching you how to engage stakeholders effectively and articulate impact and benefits and for funding applications.
Session 2: Maximise research potential through storytelling — This session uses storytelling methods to help you envision the long-term impact of your research, explore creative perspectives, build imaginative capacity, and craft a compelling future vision to engage and inspire your audience.
Module 3: Capability and connection - Dr Alisa Becker
Session 1: Capability mapping: collaborate with industry — This session builds on Module 2's industry ecosystem mapping by allowing you to collaborate with industry mentors to map your own capabilities.
Session 2: Industry insights: success stories and strategies— Hear successful industry engagement stories from mid-career academics as they discuss their career paths, challenges, and strategies. This session concludes with a panel discussion and networking lunch with industry mentors to enhance research collaborations.
Module 4: Preparing preparation - Nimrod Klayman
- Session 1: Master the pitch: techniques for industry engagement - This session provides an opportunity to present your prepared pitch, receive feedback from colleagues and experts, and compete for shortlisting in front of industry guests.
Session 2: Pitch perfect: designing your elevator pitch - Collaborate with trainers to outline your pitch and brainstorm key elements.
Pitch competition - Nimrod Klayman and Veronica Nolan
Session 1: Pitch refinement: feedback and shortlisting — Before this session, you will have time to prepare a pitch. Here you will get feedback from your colleagues and experts on your pitching skills – what can be improved? How can you take it to the next level? This session will allow all academics to pitch and receive feedback on their pitch. After that, the best pitches will be shortlisted. Only the best 10 pitches will go to the pitching competition in front of a cohort of industry guests.
Session 2: Pitching challenge: present your vision — In this pitching competition, academics will present their value proposition, engagement model and funding, as well as the scale-up strategy.
Expressions of interest open 1 August until 5pm 2 September 2024.
Further information
Contact the Strategic Partnerships office with any questions or concerns about the Spark program or application process: strategic-partnerships@uq.edu.au
Please note: If you are unable to meet the attendance requirements for UQ Spark but are interested in similar programs, the C3i program: From conversations to value co-creation is being offered in 2024, where all applications will be considered.