Early and Mid-Career Researchers
Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) are emerging researchers within their first eight years of academic or other research-related employment, following completion of postgraduate research training. There is no age limit on who can be an EMCR as the definition is dependent on where the researcher is in their career progression. The resources located here are targeted towards EMCRs who work at The University of Queensland (UQ).
EMCR-focused training and development
- Orientation at Academics new to UQ
- Early Career Academic Development Program - series of experiential workshops
- Research Integrity Module - Online training
- Communicating research in media
- UQ Library offers a variety of workshops and training
- HHMI - Resources for the development of early career scientists
- Visit the External Resources page for additional resources.
Engagement, Impact and Entrepreneurship
- UniQuest training and workshops
- ilab - business incubator and accelerator
- Create Change Masterclass - UQ site linking to entrepreneurship and innovation education opportunities available at UQ, including three online masterclasses:
Key EMCR grants
- UQ Early Career Researcher Kx&T Grants Scheme
- Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowships
- ARC Discovery Indigenous
- ARC Industry Fellowships Program
- NHMRC Investigator Grants
- Eligible externally-funded fellows will be able to apply for UQ Amplify at the conclusion of their fellowships
UQ EMCR committees
- Early and Mid-Career Researcher Committee (EMCR@UQ): This committee represents all EMCRs across the University.
- Australian Institute Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
- Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
- Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
- Institute for Molecular Bioscience
- School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
- School of Biomedical Science
- Queensland Brain Institute
- Queensland Alliance Agriculture and Food Innovation
- UQ Centre for Clinical Research
- TC Beirne School of Law ECR Reading Group
Read the EMCR@UQ Roadmap & Action Plan, 2019-2021
In October 2019 the EMCR@UQ Committee launched its Roadmap and Action Plan for 2019-2021. The document outlines the unique career development needs of the EMCR community and proposes actions and deliverables to enhance career development for UQ's EMCRs through 2019-2021.