Drop-in sessions for questions on ethics applications

These drop-in sessions are aimed at all UQ staff and students who are preparing an ethics application. Timely approval of applications depends on providing the information needed by the ethics committee to reach a consensus decision. In these zoom sessions you can bring your questions and we will give you advice on what information to include in your ethics application.

Examples of areas that could be addressed in these sessions are: data collection procedures and instruments, participants, risk assessment, etc. Register for any of the following drop-in sessions.

Thu 3 April 2025 11:00-12:00
Mon 5 May 202512:30-13:30
Wed 21 May 202512:30-13:30
Wed 11 June 202510:00-11:00
Tue 9 September 2025 11:30-12:30
Tue 4 November 202510:00-11:00

Training sessions for UQ staff and HDR students are also available about conducting ethical research with humans. These sessions will enable participants to familiarize with the requirements to undertake responsible conduct of research, develop an understanding of the principles, roles and responsibilities, and review pathways when doing research with humans.

Staff development

You can register for these sessions in Workday. The following date is available:

Date Time
Thursday 29 May 202511:00-13:00
Wednesday 27 August 202510:00-12:00
Thursday 6 November 202511:00-13:00

HDR candidates

HDR candidates can attend any of the Human Ethics training sessions organized by the graduate school. The following dates are available:

Date Time
Wednesday 19 March 202510:00-11:30
Tuesday Tuesday 13 May 202510:00-11:30
Wednesday 20 August 202510:00-11:30
Tuesday 18 November 202510:00-11:30

Customised advice

Human Ethics also coordinate and deliver customised advice for UQ’s schools and institutes. This advice is developed to assist researchers to understand their responsibilities relating to ethical conduct and explain UQ’s Human Ethics application and review processes. The information presented can be tailored to specific school/institute’s research areas. Please contact our Human Ethics Coordinators to discuss customised advice for your Faculty/School/Institute.

Decision support tool to determine human research ethics application pathways

The following decision support tool will assist you in determining the best pathway for your human research ethics application.

Educational videos

Five Tips for Human Ethics Applications

Liz Mackinlay, Director Higher Degress Research, Faculty of Education, Southern Cross University provides five tips for Human Ethics Applications.

Video Series - National Statement

Ethics considerations specific to participants

Associate Professor Monica Chien, Chair Business, Economics and Law (BEL) Lower Risk Research, Ethics Review Panel, responds to the questions:

Professor Adrian Cherney, Chair Social Science Low Risk Research, Ethics Review Panel, responds to several questions about conducting research with people involved in illegal activities:


Learn more about Human ethics application process. (UQ log in required)

More information about Research Ethics and Integrity.