The 2025 round is forecast to open on 23 October 2024. The dates and resources on this page will be updated when the 2025 Guidelines are published.

Interested researchers are encouraged to complete a UQ R&I Internal Notification of Interest to support resource allocation and planning.

Key dates for NHMRC Centres of Research Excellence 2025

  • Release of Forecast Guidelines: 23 October 2024
  • UQ R&I Internal Expression of Interest Deadline: 30 October 2024
  • Proposals open in Sapphire: (expected; TBC) 23 October 2024
  • Minimum data requirements in Sapphire: TBC
  • Applications due to UQ R&I: TBC
  • Applications close with NHMRC: TBC


    The objective of the Centres of Research Excellence (CRE) scheme is to improve health outcomes, promote or improve translation of research outcomes and support capacity building. The intended outcomes of the CRE scheme are to:

    • support the conduct and development of innovative, high quality, collaborative research.
    • promote effective translation of research into knowledge gain, health policy and/or practice.
    • foster and build capacity and capability in the health and medical research workforce.
    • provide opportunities to expand and improve collaborations between research teams.

    The CRE scheme supports research teams to pursue collaborative research and develop capacity in one of four defined streams:

    • Basic science research seeks to understand the biological processes that underpin health and disease at the molecular, cellular, organ system and whole body levels. It may be conducted in vitro, in vivo and/or in silico. It may use, but is not limited to, cells, tissues or other materials of human origin or from relevant animal models. 
    • Clinical research seeks to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases and conditions. It may involve interaction with patients and/or the use of clinical diagnostic materials or patient data. 
    • Health services research seeks to understand and improve the effectiveness, quality, safety, social and environmental dimensions of health care including access, distribution, timeliness and efficiency. 
    • Public health research seeks to improve the health of a population through the prevention of disease, prolongation of life and promotion of health and wellbeing. It includes research to understand the social, behavioural, environmental and other determinants of health and disease. 

    The 2025 round will also support:

    • one CRE focused on venom research (through any stream). This funding is intended to address the incidence and severity of envenoming, the availability and effectiveness of antivenoms, the potential for venom-derived drugs and diagnostics, and the need for updated data and evidence to inform clinical management and public health interventions.
    • two CREs focused on One Health research. Funded in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, this research will support the strengthening of collaboration and transdisciplinary action between human health, animal health, and ecosystems to address challenges that affect the Pacific and/or Southeast Asia. 

    Summary of Key Changes for CRE 2025

    The following changes are anticipated in the upcoming round:

    • Stemming from the Indigenous Research Excellence Criteria Review, all applicants must describe how their proposed research could benefit Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health and contribute to Closing the Gap targets. Responses will be considered in the overall assessment of the application.
    • Score descriptors have been amended to include assessment of the alignment of the proposed research with the objectives of the CRE scheme and application stream

    How to apply

    Step 1. UQ strategic review and development

    • To help researchers best position their CRE application UQ R&I will be running a strategy panel review of prospective UQ-led CRE applications.

    • Researchers considering applying to the CRE scheme should complete the UQ R&I NOI.

    • The Research Office Major Initiatives team will also be working with CRE applicants to develop their proposals, including holding workshops. If you have questions about strategic review and development please contact

    Step 2. Creating an application in Sapphire

    • Log in to Sapphire and review/update your profile, ensuring all sections are current. If you do not yet have a Sapphire account, please register for Sapphire. Note that requests for Sapphire accounts/activations have experienced considerable delays, so it is recommended that all investigators register as soon as possible.

    • Create an application in Sapphire. Invite collaborating investigators to be participants by adding them to the Research Team on Sapphire; aim to do this early to avoid delays if new researcher accounts need to be created

    Step 3. Completing the application

    • Log into Sapphire and complete the application sections. Upload all relevant supporting documents and ensure all investigators have accepted their invitations. 

    Step 4. UQ R&I internal review and feedback

    • Once the application is complete, the CIA should initiate the Certification process in Sapphire. To do this, select 'Certification' from the left-hand menu within the application and follow the steps to submit the application to the Research Office. Application errors will be signalled and can be corrected at this stage.

    • To initiate internal review, email your completed UQ Application Certification Form (see UQ Resources below) to UQ R&I at

    • An internal review will be completed by UQ R&I at the level requested in the NOI and feedback will be provided.

    Step 5. Final submission

    • Final submission by UQ R&I to NHMRC.

    Resources and support for application development

    UQ R&I Workshops

    UQ R&I workshops and information sessions will be scheduled shortly.
    Recordings from the 2024 round workshops are available on the UQ R&I presentations and slides page.

    Readership and researcher support 

    Before applying, we recommend you:

    Key documents

    The templates below are from the 2024 round and are made available for reference only. Updated documents for the 2025 round will be uploaded when the Guidelines are published.




    Contact UQ R&I

    Scheme queries: 

    Round coordinator
    Dr Megan Cross

    If you are applying through UQ but you are not a current UQ staff member, please contact the round coordinator to be added to the UQ R&I mailing list.