
At UQ, animals are used for various scientific purposes in both research and in teaching. This includes laboratory research, teaching classes, veterinary science, companion animal and production animal settings, and in the wild (be it terrestrial or marine). All UQ researchers, teaching staff and students using live non-human vertebrates, cephalopods or crustaceans (if working interstate or overseas) require approval from an Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) prior to commencing any animal work.


“Scientific use of animals” means using animals for any: 

  • procedure
  • test
  • experiment
  • inquiry
  • investigation
  • teaching activity
  • study.

“An animal for the purpose of scientific use” means:

  • all vertebrates excluding human beings (e.g. mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles).
  • cephalopods (e.g. octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus).
  • crustaceans (e.g. lobster, crab and crayfish) (only in certain states but not in QLD).

The term “animal” also includes non-human vertebrates, cephalopods and crustaceans in the early stages of their development: 

  • embryonic
  • foetal
  • larval forms.

As a guide, when embryos, foetuses and larval forms have reached half their gestation or incubation period, or they become capable of independent feeding, the potential for the experience of pain or distress in these animals should be considered.

If unsure, contact Animal Ethics before commencing work.

Work not requiring full Animal Ethics Committee approval

When using vertebrate or higher order invertebrate cadavers, abattoir specimens, previously obtained biological samples, observing animals from a distance or other variations of similar animal use, full approval is not required. In this case you are required to obtain an ANRFA (Approval Not Requiring Full Application) as per the UQ PPL Animal Ethics in Teaching and Research Procedure.

Please note: ANRFA are not required if the samples, cadavers or specimens are being supplied from an already approved UQ research, teaching or breeding project.  In this instance, you are required to make an amendment to the existing project to add tissue sharing when possible.  You will be required to maintain logbooks of the tissue sharing which takes place and the AEC will direct you on this.

ANRFA applications can be made by logging into MyResearch