In Queensland the use of animals for research and teaching purposes is regulated by the Animal Care and Protection Act (2001) and the Animal Care and Protection Regulation (2012). The Act is administered by Biosecurity Queensland and places a legal duty of care on people in charge of animals to meet the animals' needs.

Each state has its own Act and, when working in those states, you must abide by the legislation set out in those Acts.

The Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (The Animal Use Code) 8th edition, 2013 (updated 2021) enacted into Queensland law under the Animal Care and Protection Act (2001) promotes the ethical, humane and responsible care and use of animals used for scientific purposes. It provides guidance for investigators, teachers, institutions, animal ethics committees and all people involved in the care and use of animals.

In addition to the federal and state legislation governing the use of animals used for scientific purposes, the University is committed to the promotion of a culture of responsible and ethical conduct of Research. Accordingly, the University has developed a procedure which describes the principles governing the decisions and actions of all researchers and students in the care and use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. This procedure should be read in conjunction with the documents cited above, including the Animal Use Code, UQ Research Conduct Policy and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.

UQ - Animal Ethics in Teaching and Research Procedure

In addition to this policy, the University will continue to develop procedures to support all individuals associated with the University in ensuring they are compliant with the relevant requirements.

UQ - Holding Laboratory Animals Outside Biological Resources Facilities Guideline