ARC Future Fellowships
Key dates for ARC Future Fellowships 2025
- Release of Grant Guidelines: 8 August 2024
- Round Opening: 17 September 2024
- UQ R&I Information Session: 26 September 2024
- UQ Notice of Intent due to the Research Office: 30 September 2024
- Eligibility exemption requests due to the Research Office: 3 October 2024
- Applications due to the Research Office: 3 October 2024
- Requests Not to Assess due to UQ R&I: 14 October 2024
- Requests Not to Assess due to the ARC: 17 October 2024
- Applications close with ARC: 31 October 2024
- Rejoinder Period: 6 March - 19 March 2025
- Anticipated announcement: 8 July to 21 July 2025
UQ Information Session
To assist applicants in preparing their applications, the Research Office will be hosting an Information Session. A recording of this session will be made available on the UQ R&I presentations and slides webpage for those who are unable to attend. The session will feature a scheme overview, key findings from past rounds, the application and submission process, and a Q&A session with ARC College of Expert members.
- When: Thursday 26 September 2024, 10.30am - 12.00pm
- Where: 01-E302 - Forgan Smith Building (East Wing), Learning Theatre
- Zoom:
The ARC Future Fellowships grant opportunity seeks to retain and attract the best and brightest mid-career researchers to undertake high-quality research programs in areas of national and international benefit. Normally, the scheme provides four-year fellowships, and up to $60,000 in additional non-salary funding per annum, to enhance the scale and focus of Australian research, and promote collaboration across industry, research institutions and other disciplines.
To be eligible, the candidate must, as at the grant opportunity closing date:
- have an award of PhD date on, or between, 1 March 2010 and 1 March 2020; or
- have a PhD award date together with an allowable period of career interruptions that would be commensurate with an award of PhD date on, or between, 1 March 2010 and 1 March 2020.
- The allowable career interruptions set out and the period allowed for each are detailed in the Discovery Fellowship Grant Guidelines (2024 edition).
Eligibility exemption request
If you received your PhD before 1 March 2010 and have allowable career interruptions, you will need to request and Eligibility Exemption through the Research Office by following the below steps:
- Please use the UQ FT25 Eligibility Exemption Calculator to calculate your eligible career interruptions.
- Complete and certify the UQ FT25 Eligibility Exemption Request Form.
- Submit your UQ FT25 Eligibility Exemption Request Form, and evidence for each interruption via email to to request endorsement of your request.
- The Research Office will advise you about the outcome of your request.
How to apply
Internal Notice of Intent - due to UQ R&I by 30 September 2024
All researchers intending to submit an ARC Future Fellowship 2025 application are required to submit a mandatory internal Notice of Intent. NOIs will be collated centrally and distributed to Faculties and Institutes to maximise support to the UQ research community. If you would like to discuss your intention to apply with your local area, please contact your Faculty/Institute Research Manager.
NOIs can be completed and submitted here:
Step 1. RMS updates and scheme reading
- Update your full profile in the RMS ‘Person Profile’. If any team members are new to RMS and need a login/password. We strongly recommend starting this process early.
- Familiarise yourself with the key Australian Research Council (ARC) and UQ documentation. It is especially important to familiarise yourself with ARC's Grant Guidelines and Instructions to Applicants documents.
Step 2. Completing the application
- Log into RMS and complete the application. Please ensure UQ is listed as the Administering Organisation.
- Use the UQ templates available below to draft your documents to be uploaded to your application in RMS (please note that Templates for FT25 will not be available until Instructions to Applicants are released by the ARC).
- Complete the application in RMS.
- When ready for review, ensure all online components are complete and valid, generate a whole application PDF for your records and select 'Submit to Research Office' in RMS to submit the application.
Step 3. UQ R&I internal review and feedback
- To initiate internal review, email your completed Application Certification Form and UQ Pending and Newly Funded ARC grants form to the Research Office at Please note that RMS does not alert the Research Office when you create or submit an application in RMS.
- If you are lodging a Request Not to Assess (RNTA), please note that applicants should complete the ‘Request Not to Assess’ form in RMS (instructions are available below) and then submit to the Research Office for review by the date stated in key dates above. Instructions for creating a RNTA will be made available on GrantConnect and on the UQ website.
- The Research Office will review your application and provide feedback.
Step 4. Final submission
- When your application is complete and fully compliant, the UQ Research Office will submit the application to the ARC through RMS.
Readership and researcher support
Before applying, we recommend you:
- Contact your faculty or institute research manager for advice on peer readership programs.
- Join the UQ R&I Mailer to stay up to date with round developments.
- Access the UQ R&I Grants Library, a helpful resource of past successful proposals.
- If offered, attend UQ R&I information sessions and access PowerPoint presentations from presentations and slides.
Key documents
Before applying, please review the full suite of documents available from GrantConnect, the Australian Government grants information system.
Additional ARC documents
Mandatory Forms
- UQ FT25 Application Certification form (DOCX, 71.4 KB)
- UQ FT25 Pending and newly funded ARC grants (DOCX, 37.7 KB)
- UQ_FT25_B4_Research Load_template (DOCX, 23.5 KB)
- UQ_FT25_B4_Research Load_template_NA (PDF, 86.1 KB)
- UQ_FT25_B8_ROPE_template (DOCX, 25.9 KB)
- UQ_FT25_C1_Project Description_template (DOCX, 31.8 KB)
- UQ_FT25_C2_Letter of Support_template (DOCX, 60.6 KB)
- UQ_FT25_D2_Budget Justification_template (DOCX, 24.3 KB)
- UQ_FT25_D3_Details of non-ARC contributions_template (DOCX, 26.1 KB)
- UQ ARC FT24 Key Findings (PDF, 372.4 KB)
- UQ NIT writing guide (PDF, 190.8 KB)
- UQ FT25 How-to Application Guide (PDF, 785.7 KB)
- UQ FT25 Budget Tool (XLSX, 62.2 KB)
- UQ FT25 Eligibility Exemption Request Form (DOCX, 51.4 KB) (Updated 18 June 2024)
- UQ FT25 Eligibility Exemption Request Calculator (XLSX, 24.5 KB)
A range of resources and workshops from the UQ library are also available to assist researchers applying for this scheme
- Prepare a data management plan
- Visit Publication metrics for the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project, Future Fellowship and DECRA grants for a guide on completing the Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence (ROPE) sections of your application.
- View the recorded Publication metrics for your ARC grants – Future Fellowship, DECRA and Discovery Project – (UQ login required) on Zoom (held 1st October 2024). This session will help you find and analyse your publications in the Scopus and SciVal citation databases
- View the recorded Research Engagement and Impact evidence for your ARC Future Fellowship, DECRA and Discovery Project – (UQ login required) on Zoom (held 3rd October 2024). This session will help you to identify and track engagement and impact evidence using tools outside the citation databases such as Altmetric Explorer, PatCite (The Lens) and WorldCat.
- Attend the metrics drop-in session for your ARC grants (no formal content presented) - Tuesday 8 October, 11:00-12:00pm (St Lucia campus)
Rejoinders and rebuttal
In the ARC assessment and rejoinder process, comments from external assessors may be made available to applicants, and applicants given the opportunity to submit a rejoinder.
Detailed information on the rejoinder process (including instructions for accessing assessment reports and submitting rejoinders) is available from the ARC website. The UQ R&I information session and internal deadlines for assessment review requests and rejoinders are shown under our Key Dates section above.
The Research Office has developed a Rejoinder Tip Sheet with FAQs (PDF, 527.6 KB) to assist you in crafting your rejoinder.
UQ Rejoinder Information Session
To assist you to prepare rejoinders, the Research Office holds rejoinder information sessions involving senior academics who have served on the ARC's College of Experts and posts the session materials when they become available.
Date: Monday 10 March 2025
Time: 2:30-3:30pm
Venue: 26A-128A - Human Performance, Seminar Room
Zoom Link:
Contact UQ R&I
RMS queries
Round coordinators
Sarah Hickman
If you are applying through UQ but you are not a current UQ staff member, please contact the round coordinator to be added to the UQ R&I mailing list.