Key dates for MRFF 2024 Research Data Infrastructure Grant Opportunity

  • Release of Funding Rules: 16 May 2024
  • Opening Date: 9am AEST time, 15 July 2024
  • UQ R&I NOI Close: 30 September 2024
  • Applications due to UQ R&I: 7 October 2024
  • Applications close: 4pm AEST time, 28 October 2024


The intended outcome of the research funded by this grant opportunity is to produce knowledge and outcomes that will improve the health and wellbeing of Australians by supporting Australian medical research and medical innovation projects that use multiple types of existing research data infrastructure in new ways in areas of existing or emerging unmet health need.

To meet the objective of the grant opportunity projects proposed should incorporate:

  • New linkage and/or use of data from multiple (at least two) existing research data infrastructure sources of different types (e.g. administrative and biobank data, registry and biobank data, wearables and use artificial intelligence); and/or 
  • Novel methodologies and approaches that leverage and enhance existing linked research data infrastructure of at least two different types; and, 
  • A clear outline of how the proposed project will produce knowledge and outcomes that address an area of unmet medical need.

The maximum grant amount is $2.5 million, and the project period is four years. 

How to Apply

Internal notice of intent process

All researchers intending to submit an MRFF application are required to submit an internal Notice of Intent. NOIs will be collated centrally and distributed to Faculties and Institutes in order to provide maximum support to the UQ research community.

Step 1. Scheme reading

  • Access the scheme documents from the AusIndustry website (filter by scheme name).
  • Familiarise yourself with the key Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and UQ documentation.

Step 2. Completing the application

  • Go to the portal and follow the links to complete the application.
  • Note that the online application has substantive sections in addition to the required attachments – we recommend that applicants familiarise themselves with all parts of the application before commencing.
  • Letters of support are required for all partner organisations. UQ R&I strongly advises applicants to start collecting these early using the template below, as this process represents a major bottleneck for many applications.

Step 3. UQ R&I internal review and feedback

  • Ahead of internal review, ensure all components are complete/valid and send the completed application form to UQ R&I.
  • To initiate internal review, add as the primary contact email in your application within the portal, and email your completed Funding Application Certification to UQ R&I at

Do not submit the application in the portal at this stage.

  • Internal review by UQ R&I/feedback provided (compliance/eligibility/grantsmanship).

Step 4. Final submission

  • Final submission should be completed by the applicant, but contact us early if there is likely to be a problem.

Letters of Support

Signing for all letters of support from UQ is co-ordinated through the Research Office. All Letters of support for MRFF applications, including those led by other institutions, must be accompanied by a completed Funding Application Coversheet (see below) and authorisations of any enumerated contributions or additional UQ staff beyond the lead CI listed in the letter.  We strongly recommend working with your local school/institute research professionals to complete this process. 

To provide time for review and signature, submit draft letters to no later than two weeks before the external closing date.

Applications led by UQ

  • The draft CEO letter and Coversheet are provided in the resource section below.
  • Complete and submit both to, along with written confirmation of any additional co-contributions.

Applications led by other organisations

  • The administering organisation should provide you with a draft letter of support.  Please draft use this to draft a letter to be signed by UQ. The UQ information in the CEO letter template below may be useful for this.
  • Complete a generic Funding Application Certification, and have it countersigned by your Head of School/Institute.
  • Submit both to, along with written confirmation of any additional co-contributions.

Readership and researcher support

Before applying, we recommend you:

Key documents

Before applying, please review the full suite of documents available from GrantConnect, the Australian Government grants information system: