The Awards team in the Research Office manages all funded research grants from the time a grant notification outcome is received through to when it finishes (i.e. close-out). 
When a funder approves an application, they will require an agreement to be executed, which binds the University to the terms and conditions of the grant. This can involve negotiation, which the Research Office will do on your behalf.
There are a number of steps that typically occur; these are outlined below to assist you navigate the grant establishment process.

A flow chart that visually represents the steps of the Grant Establishment Process, or managing your award, with decorative icons to represent each step. These steps are, in order from first to last, outcome, acceptance of offer, early account opening, MyBalance, finance, grant record letter, variations, reporting, and final reporting.

1. Outcome

When a grant is approved by a funder, the funder typically sends letters (via email) and funding agreements.
When the Research Office is notified, we will inform you of the outcome via email and provide detailed instructions on the steps needed for UQ to accept the grant. 

The funder will typically notify the Research Office Awards team as the point of contact but if they notify you directly, please let us know as soon as possible and please forward all documents to the Research Office so we can assist you.