Manage your award
The Awards team in the Research Office manages all funded research grants from the time a grant notification outcome is received through to when it finishes (i.e. close-out).
When a funder approves an application, they will require an agreement to be executed, which binds the University to the terms and conditions of the grant. This can involve negotiation, which the Research Office will do on your behalf.
There are a number of steps that typically occur; these are outlined below to assist you navigate the grant establishment process.
9. Final Reporting
Final progress reports detailing the research project’s progress and outcomes over the entire duration of the funding period are normally submitted to the funding agency through the Research Office. The funding agreement will outline the final report requirements, including the period of time the report is to cover.
Late or outstanding reports may affect the eligibility of future applications to the funding body (including ARC and NHMRC). Final reporting is also an excellent opportunity for researchers to outline the achievements of the project to the granting agency, along with known outcomes and impact.
- Final progress reporting, where the lead investigator provides a progress report covering the entire period of the grant and a listing of any research outputs such as journal articles, conference presentations or Higher Degree by Research (HDR) completions. In some cases, the funding agency may also require publication outputs to be available via open access.
- A final financial report or funds acquittal, where it may be a requirement under the funding agreement for any unspent funds to be returned to the funding body.
- Any special requirements that may have been detailed in the original funding agreement. Each funding agency will have their own specific requirements in this regard, so familiarity with the individual agreement governing the project is important.